Ten Foods For Healthy Skin
‘invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a long time’
As a personal trainer and someone who is generally interested in fitness, not only is it important to stay active but nutrition is also crucially important for health.
An unhealthy diet, as we already know can create real damage to your metabolism, can cause weight gain and can lead to serious harm of our organs including our heart, liver and our SKIN. Our skin is the biggest organ we have and has a total area of around 20 square feet. Focusing on our insides not just the outside is becoming just as imperative as spending time in a gym or going for daily runs or walks. As more research is conducted surrounding nutrition and its impact on our bodies, it is becoming more significant that what we put in our mouths can undoubtedly affect the ageing and health of our skin.
Don’t get me wrong, we all have our favourite skin routines, face creams and treatments, but beautiful skin starts from within. Eating the right balance of foods will give your skin the fundamental vitamins it needs to stay healthy.
I can really feel changes to my skin as soon as I start to eat differently. It was my birthday the weekend just gone, which meant a lot of sugar and sweet treats. Here are some of the foods I will be dosing up on over the next few weeks to brighten and revive my skin after a few days of treats!
- Mushrooms — known for their versatility in cooking and savoury taste (one of the five basic tastes), mushrooms are high in Vitamin D, which is often known as the sunshine vitamin. Mushrooms provide a rich source of ergosterol, which when exposed to UV light is converted to vitamin D. Additionally, mushrooms contain selenium, an important mineral that helps protect our skin from sun damage. Mushrooms also make a great meat free alternative!
- Eggs — help keep skin hydrated, radiant and firm as they are a source of lutein. So however you like your eggs in the morning, scrambled, poached, boiled or in an omelette, get those eggs in!
- Citrus Fruit — gives you a gleaming glow because of their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits (like lemons, oranges and grapefruits), red bell peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, tomatos and kiwis to name a few. Published research supports vitamin C’s role in skin health and appearance, reporting those that consumed higher amounts have less wrinkles. The sun can also be tough on your skin. Vitamin C also helps protect you from the sun by aiding in the undoing of sun damage. Of course, I must mention that it is not a substitute for suncream!
- Blueberries — are extremely high in nutritional value. They are full of antioxidants that fight against free radical cells that may harm your skin and combat cell damage. Also known as nature’s candy, you can add them to your favourite smoothie recipe and make a perfect sweet treat alternative
- Sweet Potato — is a favourite in this day and age as an alternative to regular potatoes (not that regular potatoes are bad for you at all). It has high levels of magnesium and beta-carotene which can act as anti- inflammatory agents. The skin of the sweet potato too is packed full of fibre which is great for the gut but also for a blemish-free complexion
- Water — noted it is not a food, but drinking water is one of the best things you can do to keep your skin in shape. As humans we are made up of mostly water. Water keeps your skin hydrated, moist and helps your cells release toxins and take in nutrients. It makes fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable and aids with blood flow
- Nuts and Seeds — are packed full of vitamin E which assists’ our body’s cells and gives our skin a healthy, soft and supple glow. Try a little sprinkle in soups or salads or even a small handful as a healthy snack
- Fatty Fish — are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids which are fundamental in skin health. The omega 3 in fish reduces inflammation which can cause redness and acne and keeps skin thick and moisturised. Limiting these foods can cause dry skin. Fish such as herring, mackerel and salmon are perfect examples of fatty fish
- Whole Grains — are high in so many nutrients including fibre, magnesium, iron and B vitamins, antioxidants and even protein! Generally, whole grains are unprocessed and can improve skin complexion. By getting rid of refined flours by being ‘whole’, insulin levels do not spike which can reduce acne
- Dark Chocolate — here is your reason for a little bit of chocolate. The effects of cocoa on your skin are incredible. It has the same effects as other foods high in antioxidants acting as a fantastic natural moisturiser. The beans are full of fatty acids and chocolate is a natural anti-inflammatory. Make sure to choose dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa in order to increase the benefits and keep added sugar at bay
Try and include some of this super foods in your diet and see if you notice any changes…
As we all know, you are what you eat.